We were featured in an SH Scientific article!

We were featured in an SH Scientific article!

Scaling Up Mushroom Cultivation With An SH Scientific Autoclave

Mushroom cultivation might conjure images of a musty basement with banged-up pressure cookers. But for many emerging growers, it’s a serious business that calls for serious equipment.

And to our friends at Mycology Simplified, that means a proper autoclave.

Too Many Cookers in the Kitchen

It started with a single, 23 qt. pressure cooker, which quickly grew into a fleet of three. Demand still outpaced capacity, so the team acquired an All American 75X sterilizer—a well-regarded upgrade that was poised to solve Mycology Simplified’s woes.

Except it didn’t.

As order volume soared, even the capacious 75X “proved insufficient to cope with the influx of orders we were receiving,” shared the team.

Time for an Autoclave

Stretched thinner than ever, they stumbled upon the SH Scientific 150 L Autoclave, and decided to bet on its greater capacity (and solid reputation among fellow cultivators).

“We turned to SH Scientific and inquired about their 150 L autoclave,” the company shared, “and within a mere 10 days, our brand new autoclave arrived.”

A Sterilization Co-Pilot

The switch to SH Scientific’s autoclave brought immediate benefits on two fronts, Mycology Simplified reported.

The equipment allowed them to “significantly increase output while minimizing the time and effort spent on managing and fine-tuning previous equipment” (emphasis ours).

Moreover, the company appreciated the new autoclave’s safe, simple, and user-friendly design. Automatic temperature regulation and pressure management cut manual intervention to the bare minimum, while also making sterilization more consistent than was previously possible.

“Its full automation capabilities revolutionized the sterilization process,” they said. In addition, the SH autoclave could handle up to 120 lbs of material, compared to the paltry 15-lb limit of their initial equipment.

Operational Impact From Day One

Not long after adopting the SH Scientific Autoclave, Mycology Simplified noted a positive transformation in their operations.

“Having utilized the SH Scientific autoclave for a few weeks now,” they shared, “we can confidently assert that its quality surpasses any other autoclave we have ever encountered.” Beyond boosting capacity, it also “eliminated the need for additional purchases” by handling substrate, grain, and agar sterilization in a single device.

For mushroom cultivators like Mycology Simplified, the SH Scientific Autoclave is an efficient and cost-effective solution to meet the (very good) problem of rapidly growing demand.

It’s more than just an upgrade—it’s a game-changer.


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